Emergency Lighting

Kent and Nationwide Emergency Lighting Solutions by Specialist Electricians

Kent-based Penton Electrical designs, installs and maintains emergency lighting systems that help businesses comply with their legal responsibilities, including fire safety.

Companies throughout Kent and the rest of the UK rely on our commercial and industrial emergency lighting services, from initial site inspection through to installation and follow-up maintenance.

As electricians with a particular focus on fire safety and security, we can provide a one-stop solution for all your emergency lighting requirements.

We can provide a one-stop solution for all your emergency lighting requirements.

Our Emergency Lighting Services

Emergency lighting to help people leave a location safely is a requirement of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005.

It provides back-up lighting if the main power supply fails, and works by connecting to the mains supply to constantly charge internal batteries. The emergency lighting then comes on automatically if the power supply to your normal lighting fails.

Our emergency lighting services come in the form of:


Escape route lighting for evacuation routes.

This enables a safe, visible exit along corridors, with illuminated signs for exit points, in the event of a fire or other emergency.


High-risk task area lighting.

This emergency lighting allows continued monitoring of systems, machines or processes if electrical mains power fails.


Open-area anti-panic lighting.

This helps to avoid panic in large public spaces in the event of a power cut, by clearly illuminating evacuation paths and surrounding areas.


Standby lighting.

This allows normal business activities to continue if electrical mains supply is interrupted. Standby lighting isn’t a legal obligation but may be needed to meet the occupancy requirements of your building.


Our emergency lighting services include:

  • System planning and design.
  • Installation of wall- and ceiling-mounted lights and signs.
  • Periodic inspection, testing and maintenance.

We’re Waiting to Hear from You!

Penton Electrical can offer your business a comprehensive, nationally-trusted emergency lighting installation service.

We’ve been providing commercial and industrial emergency lighting solutions since 2014, earning a reputation for:

  • Competitive pricing.
  • Expertise and experience.
  • Keeping within project timescale and budget.
  • Minimal disruption to business operations.

It’s easy to get in touch with us to discuss your emergency lighting requirements:


0800 0119 779 


0203 8157 442 

Head Office:

01580 230665

Contact us now
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