Fire Safety Training

Professional Fire Safety Training for Businesses in South East England

Fire safety training by Kent-based Penton Fire & Security enables businesses in South East England to provide an effective first line of defence if a fire starts in the workplace.

We show employees how to respond efficiently and confidently in the event of a fire – critical when an emergency situation can easily result in panic.

Workplace fire training – a legal requirement – can also prevent fires from breaking out in the first place.

If you own or manage a business, you have a legal responsibility to keep everyone who works in or visits your property safe from the threat of fire, as far as possible.

Your Legal Obligations

If you own or manage a business, you have a legal responsibility to keep everyone who works in or visits your property safe from the threat of fire, as far as possible.

The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 stipulates that employees must have adequate fire safety training on a periodical basis.

This is to ensure staff know what to do if a fire happens and the basics of the measures in place to manage the emergency.

Our Fire Safety Training Services

Penton Fire & Security training services equip workers with a sound base knowledge of fire safety awareness. This helps to lessen the likelihood of a fire on your premises.

It’s also crucial that your workers know what to do if a fire does break out, so we provide fire extinguisher training and fire marshal training.

Workplace Fire Extinguisher Training

Incorrect operation of a fire extinguisher or using the wrong type can be ineffective or make matters worse.

We’ll make sure your employees know:

  • How to use a fire extinguisher.
  • The various classifications of fire extinguishers.
  • Which extinguishers are used for different types of fires.

Our workplace fire extinguisher training – particularly important if your business environment poses a higher risk of fire – will also ensure members of staff can locate an extinguisher quickly, giving them a better chance of preventing the spread of fire.

We’ll also teach employees how to tell whether an extinguisher is fully charged and if any damage could prevent it from working properly.

Fire blankets can be used in conjunction with extinguishers. Your staff will learn how to safely use a fire blanket to smother a fire before it gets out of control – critical is a person’s clothing catches fire.

Fire Marshal/Fire Warden Training

Your fire wardens/marshals have more responsibilities in the event of a fire – implementing your fire safety procedures.

Our training helps them to remain calm to fulfil duties such as:

  • Raising the alarm
  • Calling the emergency services.
  • Directing employees in an evacuation.
  • Helping any vulnerable persons.
  • Closing all windows and fire doors when exiting the premises.

Our fire safety training services give fire marshals/fire wardens a deeper insight into:

  • Fire safety law.
  • Fire risks.
  • Fire prevention.
  • Types of fires.
  • Fire safety equipment.

This training is also beneficial for other members of your workforce looking to extend their fire safety knowledge.

Why Choose Us for Your Fire Safety Training?

As an experienced commercial fire protection services company, Penton Fire & Security is well placed to deliver training on workplace fire safety.

We know all about best workplace health and safety practices, minimising fire risks, and containing the danger if a fire does break out. And we know how to educate others on these vital measures.

Other benefits of choosing us for your fire safety training include:

  • Our in-depth knowledge on fire safety is recognised by the National Security Inspectorate (NSI).
  • We’re accredited by the Contractors Health and Safety Assessment Scheme (CHAS) and Safety Management Advisory Services (SMAS) Worksafe.
  • We offer competitive pricing for quality fire safety training services.
  • Training is tailored to your business environment.

Contact Us To Find Out More About Fire Safety Training

Contact us if you’d like to know more about how our professional fire safety training can help to protect your property and the people in it.


0800 0119 779 


0203 8157 442 

Head Office:

01580 230665

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