Security Maintenance

Security Maintenance Services for Kent Businesses

As well as installing business security systems, Kent-based Penton Fire & Security maintains, services and repairs them.

By keeping your security systems in peak condition, we give you peace of mind of ongoing effective protection from theft and vandalism.

And early detection of faults or damage enables us to carry out prompt repairs, which can avoid more extensive, costly repairs in the future.

By keeping your security systems in peak condition, we give you peace of mind of ongoing effective protection from theft and vandalism.

Why You Need Security Maintenance Services

Security systems and devices can only do their job if their components remain in good working order.

Without regular maintenance, technical faults are likely to occur over time. If this results in systems failing to operate as expected, you could be exposed to risks that could jeopardise your property and the people in it.

This is why regular maintenance of security is essential – and that’s where we come in. We won’t just install your security systems and forget about them. As your partner in security provision, we’ll stay focused on keeping your security working at full potential.

And bear in mind that regular security maintenance may be required as part of insurance coverage – depending on the type of system you have.

What We Do

Penton Fire & Security carries our critical preventive checks on business security systems, with a range of maintenance options. Our security system technicians will advise you on the best maintenance package to suit your specific, long-term security needs.

We can also take over maintenance of your existing security systems.

Our security system maintenance services ensure optimum performance of:

  • Burglar alarms.
  • CCTV.
  • Access control.
  • Security gates and barriers.

Why Choose our Security Maintenance Services?

Penton Fire & Security can provide a complete security maintenance package tailored to your business environment and designed to prolong the lifespan of your security systems.

We’ll make sure your systems are serviced at the correct intervals, allowing you to focus on the day-to-day running of your business free from security concerns.

Businesses know they can trust our security system maintenance services to be carried out to demanding National Security Inspectorate (NSI) standards. Our company is accredited by the NSI, the leading certification organisation for security protection companies in the UK.

This means our security maintenance engineers leave nothing to chance and will carry out a meticulous evaluation of your security systems.

Our Reputation

Businesses choose our security system maintenance, servicing and repair services because of our solid reputation for:

  • Technical expertise.
  • Affordable, transparent pricing.
  • Cost-effective security maintenance packages.
  • Professionalism and integrity.
  • Dedication to customer satisfaction.
  • Obligation-free quote.
  • Full NSI compliance.

24-hour call-out for emergency repairs

Contact Us Now

Contact us to learn more about how our Kent security system maintenance services can optimise functionality of your security systems.


0800 0119 779 


0203 8157 442 

Head Office:

01580 230665

Contact us now
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